Alap Schedular for Moodle
Alap Schedular for Moodle plugin is a mod plugin where students can communicate with teacher easily by seeing the available time of teacher in calendar and book the available slot. It also creates a zoom meeting by using zoom SDK key, SDK secret in Moodle component when student book the slot. Teacher can start the meeting if they want to communicate with the students via zoom.
About Plugin

Key Features

FullCalendar integration in Moodle component
FullCalendar js event calendar integrated in the plugin
Slot Creation in Calendar
Creating a slot by teacher and display it in calendar.
Slot Booking
Book the slot by students with short message to teacher.
Notification System
Notification in Moodle and email sent after booking the slot.
Different Platform Meeting
Different meeting links can be added by teacher such as google meet.
Zoom Integration Facilities
One to one Zoom meeting in Moodle component .
Payment Method

Item details
Release Version
Plugin type
Moodle Versions
4.0, 4.1
Release Date
November 2023
Chrome, Edge , Firefox , Opera , Safari , Chrome Android , Firefox
Features Details

FullCalendar js event calendar integrated in the plugin

FullCalendar is a JavaScript calendar. In this plugin this calendar is used for displaying the availability of the teacher, slot status, slot timing. This calendar gives a user friendly experience to both teachers and students.
Slot Creation in Calendar

Teachers can now effortlessly manage student appointments by creating slots in the calendar. He can create his available slot by one click. Each slot duration will be 30 minutes. Visualization in the calendar will help him to understand when he is free and which student is trying to communicate with him.
Slot Booking

Student now can effortlessly book their favorable slot by one click only. Slot booking facility is only for students who can book the slot which is created by the teacher earlier. They can also give a short message to the teacher where they can write the reason for slot booking. This facility will give clear idea to teacher what problem students are facing and how to solve those.
Notification System

We’ve just integrated notifications into our plugin, ensuring teacher never miss an important update or deadline. Teacher will be notified in Moodle also in email after the student has booked the slot. Moodle notification will notify the teacher about the timing of the booking with the student’s name and as well he will get an email too where he can see the student’s name and his/her booking timing.
Different Platform Meeting

Online meeting can be arranged in different platform if the teacher wants. Teacher can easily update the link where he wants. For example, Google meet platform can be added for online session.
Zoom Integration Facilities

Zoom Meeting can be created in Moodle component. Zoom SDK integrated in this plugin by using Zoom credentials which you will found zoom marketplace. Server to server OAuth app and Meeting SDK app are needed for those id, key.

30 minutes each slot duration.
Yes, he can but only if the slot is not booked by others.
You can get from zoom marketplace’s server to server oauth app.
You can get from zoom marketplace’s meeting SDK app.
No, one to one meeting can be set.
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