Plugins for Peak Performance
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Proctoring Plugin for Moodle
Proctoring plugin for Moodle is a quiz-access plugin to capture the user’s picture via webcam to identify who is attempting the Moodle Quiz. It will capture the picture automatically every 30 seconds and store it as a PNG image.
Our Moodle Proctoring plugin allows you to capture random images of students via their web camera during quizzes, ensuring the integrity of the exam. This feature ensures that only authorised students can access the quiz by requiring permission to use the camera.
Configure your preferred Image sizes and webcam capture interval directly from the plugin.
Use the Amazon Rekognition or Brainstation Face Recognition service to validate user images. Just enter your credentials on the plugins settings to set up your preferred face matching service.
The proctoring pro plugin is designed to identify instances where students copy and paste content from external sources, such as websites or documents, during an online examination or assessment
Get enhanced monitoring tools that detect browser tab switching, screen resize, F12 button press etc. Leverage the power of proctoring pro plugin to provide transparent environment for your quizzes.
Get detailed proctoring reports on each quiz taker and their attempts directly from the quiz. This plugin can also generate a summary report with just a click of a button.
The Moodle proctoring pro plugin is designed to prevent students from using secondary devices or screens during an online examination or assessment. It is implemented to ensure a controlled testing environment and reduce the chances of cheating or unauthorized assistance

Atto Sharing for Moodle
Atto Sharing for Moodle is an Atto sub-plugin to easily create and integrate the Social Sharing button to Moodle Atto editor.
Our Atto Sharing plugin for Moodle allows you to easily integrate social sharing buttons into the Atto text editor, enabling users to share content with just one click. This feature saves you time and effort, and enhances user experience.
This Plugin Comes with a meticulously designed user interface that makes it easy for everyone share their favorite topics to their platform of choice.
Atto QR Code for Moodle
Atto QR-Code for Moodle is an Atto sub-plugin that can easily create and integrate QR Code to Moodle Atto editor. This library helps you to generate QR codes in a jiffy. It also uses bacon/bacon-qr-code to generate the matrix and khanamiryan/qrcode-detector-decoder for validating generated QR codes.
Our Atto QR Code plugin for Moodle allows you to easily integrate QR Code Creation into the Atto text editor, enabling users to share their favorite links using a customized QR Code. This feature saves you time and effort, and enhances user experience.
This Plugin Allows for Flexible Customizability for all types of QR Code Generation. Using this plugin, you can change the the generated QR Codes size, margin and even its colors with ease.
This plugin comes with its own global setting page to configure all parts of this plugins in one place. This ensures easy access to all features of this plugin in one place.
SSLCOMMERZ Payment Gateway
SSLCOMMERZ is a Moodle enrollment plugin based on the SSLCOMMERZ payment gateway that helps students to pay for courses with Bangladeshi currency. It supports all Bangladeshi Banks and online mobile transactions
Easily integrate the sslcommerz payment gateway to your Moodle site by simply following all the instructions provided in our plugin page.
Easily personalize your payment experience with the SSLCOMMERZ plugin for Moodle. Select from a plethora of payment options and easily add them to your Moodle site.
Cardinity is a safe and cost-effective online payment solution for e-commerce businesses selling various products or providing services. Use the Cardinity plugin to add cardinity to your Moodle platform.
Easily integrate the Cardinity payment gateway to your Moodle site by simply following all the instructions provided in your plugin page.
Enhance your your payment experience with the Cardinity plugin for Moodle. Easily enable one click global payments for you Moodle Platform.
Bkash for Moodle
bKash is the fastest and safest medium of financial transaction, bKash makes your life simple with Send Money, Add Money, Pay Bill, Mobile Recharge, Payment and many more services.
Easily integrate the bkashpayment gateway to your Moodle site by simply following all the instructions provided in our plugin page.
Easily personalize your payment experience with the bKash plugin for Moodle. Select from a plethora of options and easily customize them to your Moodle platform.
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